This one-week course is intended to provide a peek into the field of product design while also giving you a chance to sample how New Pragmatic functions. This curriculum feeds directly into the longer, more detailed UX Design course.
A successful experience begins with transparency regarding expectations and operations.
These are the books, resources, people, and assorted other things that were driving the conversation in my head as I created this platform.
Modern design’s continual dance between research and testing builds better products that hurt fewer people and communities.
From the smallest of personal connections to the largest of transportation networks, everything we interact with is part of an evolving series of complex systems. Understanding how those systems work is your first job as a designer.
How the culture of ‘get it done’ landed us in the mess that we have today, and what you can do to help fix it.
The fluid nature of the industry means that most people are still figuring out what product design is — even if they already work in the field.