In the process of creating New Pragmatic, I spent months reacquainting myself with a small library of books, podcasts, and video series that I have leaned on over the years. While I attempted to attribute my sources where possible in the writing directly, I wanted to make a shared resource available for all the items that might not have been specifically referenced but definitely influenced the work.
This is a living document and will be updated with new sources over time.
We're all building on the shoulders of giants who came before us and maybe someday this work will provide a foundation for someone else to build upon.
Further reading
Further listening / viewing
All the books, podcasts, and Twitter accounts listed above are worth your time investigating further. To make this easier, I've compiled a list of the names above that you can simply subscribe to as part of the New Pragmatic presence on Twitter.
Now that you've been properly introduced to the inspiration behind this course, it's time for us to turn our attention to the path ahead.
Every designer begins their journey from a unique perspective, and the influences of each are varied by the environment they have grown in.
This exercise is straightforward. Pick two people or things (designers, authors, websites, books, podcasts, etc.) that either pushed you into Design or made you want to become a better designer.
There are no wrong answers here, but write at least a paragraph about each selection. Understanding how you became the designer that you currently helps predict the path ahead.
Once complete, update your program journal with any assets produced in this exercise. Post a link to your journal in the feedback-loop channel for review.
Up next Iterative Design